rasz wrote:
i have 2 distinct questions, and first is, i installed a linux app (binaries) and it failed
when run complaining that it needs a "CPU with SSE instuctions enabled".
does anyone know what this is and related too?
i am running 7.2-prerelease i386 with linux_base-fc4. the only setting i have is fallback_elf_brand=3 (no osrelease)
has anyone ever come across this?

2nd question, is the freebsd base (usr/src) documented anywhere, as to the programs it entirely contains? i thought developers handbook, but all i found is description of the directories in usr/src/ (unless i missed it elsewhere). besides that, is there any kind of database app in the base system no matter how compact/basic? if not, what would be the *closest* in ports?

thanks in advance for any info
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Regarding the 2nd question...

As /usr/src contains the source of building the userland and kernel, if you can always man <something that is interesting>.

You can also do a man hier, but it will present a description of each directory content like the Developers Handbook (although more verbose).

There are also the Makefile and the actual source.
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