On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 17:04:00 -0500
Neal Hogan <nealho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But, I wonder what the most efficient way is to update ports. I
> appreciate Adam's point about the fact that portupgrade (and
> portmanager and portmaster) are ports themselves and are going to not
> be as reliable as what is in base. 

IMO this doesn't make any sense. If portupgrade is failing on a port
where manual "make install" works, then portupgrade simply has a bug.
Any port upgrading tool belongs in a port, because it's more important
that it responds to changes in the ports system than changes in the
base system. 

As to upgrading piecemeal rather than with -a, I don't see how that
helps, and it may actually make things worse by not building in
dependency order.
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