On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 22:59:40 -0400, Harold Hartley <wheelie...@gwi.net> wrote:
> Ubuntu uses "wubi 
> installer" like an application and can be uninstalled if anyone didn't 
> like it. And it sets it up at the boot up time a list to choose from.
> That is about what I was talking about.

Okay, I do understand. I haven't used any MICROS~1 products yet,
and I've installed Ubuntu just from its CD or DVD for testing
purposes, but I'm not a Linux user, so I definitely don't have
much experience in this sector.

> I'm not sure how they did that using the "wubi installer" But if freebsd 
> could do something like that, it would be great.

Hmmm... I may still ask: What should it be good for, exactly?

Those who want to use FreeBSD usually install it by one of the
standard means. They usually don't have "Windows" or do already
want to use a two-or-more-OS system, but they don't run the
installer from within "Windows".

(Side note: I think there's already a tool that lets you install
FreeBSD from within Linux, useful if you want to replace an
already pre-loaded OS on a server where you don't have physical
access to simply put in the FreeBSD installation CD.)

Those who want to try FreeBSD don't install it, they run it from
a live system CD (e. g. FreeSBIE) or use it in an emulator (and
install it there).

Furthermore, there's VirtualBSD: http://www.virtualbsd.info/ for
maximum "Windows" compatibility. :-)

> But will it over write the bootup list or the windows or ubuntu 
> software.

No. At installation time, you can instruct it to leave the boot
area of your hard disk untouched. The only thing you may need is
to put a setting into the boot manager you're using at the moment
to boot between Ubuntu and "Windows" so it can also boot into
FreeBSD. Maybe your boot manager automatically detects the new
OS and adds a choice by itself.

You can, however, use FreeBSD's boot manager to make the boot
selection at system startup.

Everything you need is some disk space on your hard disk (not
occupied by any slice, "partition" how it's called by "Windows").
The installer allows you to delete anything existing (what you
don't need anymore) and create a slice to install FreeBSD in.
You can also install it on another (physical) hard disk.

> Or does freebsd offer a choice to install without messing 
> anything up.

It's a professional operating system, of course it does. :-)
(FreeBSD exactly does what you tell it to do, nothing more and
nothing less.)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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