> Ok, I admit, most of my experience is on Solaris, but hey, I'd never
> expect such a command to fail on FreeBSD:
> # df -k
> Filesystem  1K-blocks    Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a   2064302   74140  1825018     4%    /
> /dev/ad0s1f   9247246 1895878  6611590    22%    /usr
> /dev/ad0s1e  15483630  380750 13864190     3%    /var
> procfs              4       4        0   100%    /proc
> #
> # dd if=/dev/ad01sa of=/dev/ad2s1a bs=4096k
> dd: /dev/ad01sa: No such file or directory
> #
> What am I doing wrong? Feel like in the newbies time  :/

Perhaps what you are doing wrong is using ad01sa instead of ad0s1a ? 

Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* The trouble with the global village are all the global village idiots.

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