On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 07:41:15 -0500, Richard DeLaurell 
<richard.delaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried pkg_delete to see what depends on py24-gobject and it's a hefty
> list; is deinstalling that entire list and then installing py25-gobject the
> only option for me?

No, it would be possible to first

        # pkg_delete -f /var/db/pkg/py25-gobject*

and then install the updated version. As long as the update doesn't
break any library version numbering, and the functionalities from the
previous versions are still intact, there won't be a problem.

Finally, if you're using portupgrade, make sure to correct the

        # pkgdb -aF

But note that if this procedure fails, you will usually have to deinstall
the depending software and then start allover again, this will lead you
finally to updated programs, as well as an updated py25-gobject (as a

>From Magdeburg, Germany
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