Hello oh great sages,
Thanks so much for your past help. Of course, I have
another quetion. I've got X up and run Kdesk - coool.
However, the browser -I haven't configured - debating
on netscape. That brings me to install or not?
The bsd ports site mentions that mozilla is
comparatively large and that bsd\netscape 4.x has a
security hole and the modules for linux.7x may be
OVERLAYS IT MIGHT PRODUCE. So I thought I'd ask what
you think? I use bsd to emerse myself in a mixed
network and will ultimately use it as a backend
router/dns/mail server. Browsing would just be cool. I
guess what as a novice Iam asking is could I risk
netscape 4.x (would it compile and install for the
CDROM or do I risk linux? Nothing earthshaking.
Thanks. Oh, Do you think I should submit my config for
the XServer using IMB and a Micron monitor?

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