On Apr 11, 2009, at 2:07 PM, Robert Huff wrote:

Charles Howse writes:

Now, when I run that script in a terminal, the output is perfectly
formatted, multiple lines (if there are multiple events on this date),
date first, event, year.  Just right.

But, when I put that in an "include" statement in a webpage, the
output is a single line, regardless of whether there are multiple
You can see a bad example here:


How can I make multiple events show on separate lines, like it
does in terminal?

        Would I be correct in believing you're unfamiliar with html?

You would most certainly NOT BE CORRECT. I've had my own server running Apache for years.

I don't think this is something that can be solved with html tags, but I will try Brad's suggestions. Read man calendar about how it uses cpp, and how the calendar.* files are formatted. If I recall, I used this same technique years ago and had a simple, elegant way of solving it using some default tool like col, though that doesn't seem to work now.

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