On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:36:25 -0700, Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:
>       tHat said: how can I experiement with translating my html into 
>       slideshow format?  If this is a case of RTFM, where is the FM
>       page website that will get me going.?

For a "real slideshow" in terms of projected presentation,
maybe you want to check the foiltex package (port: textproc/foiltex)
and create a PDF file with it, using LaTeX. The advantage
is that it can be easily turned into plain text if needed
(e. g. for speech synthesis). Along with xpdf (also from
the ports), you can do:

        % xpdf -fullscreen <presentation>

If you want the slides HTML based, an option would be to
create a script that reads the "big" HTML source and splits
it into "small" slides with less text, according to a template.
But I think it's still neccessary to put hands on it to get
things like document structure right.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
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