On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:17:47PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 10:30:43 -0400, Jerry McAllister <jerr...@msu.edu> wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:45:07AM -0700, Michael David Crawford wrote:
> > FreeBSD is not happy with MS 'extended partitions'.   But, I don't really
> > see your problem.   You are not using Microsloth for anything.
> That's why I'm not sure why FAT has been mentioned. As far as

The FAT (more likely FAT32) can be the filesystem type that
each of the OSen can read/write.    I occasionally make one
for scratch space that more than one OS on a machine can access.

> I understood, the disk should have three operating systems
> (Linux, FreeBSD 7, FreeBSD 8) and a partition where all these
> systems can have a shared mount point for /home.
> So my idea would be... no, my further questions would be:
> 1. Can FreeBSD mount -o rw a file system that is usable
>    on Linux, maybe ext2? If yes, use this file system type
>    for the partition that is /home then.
> 2. Can Linux mount -o rw a file system that is usable
>    on FreeBSD, maybe UFS? If yes, use this file system type
>    for the partition that is /home then.
> Because the /home partition is not intended to be booted
> from, it should be possible to add it.
> > Create your Lunix slice first, then one for FreeBSD 7.2 and finally one
> > for FreeBSD 8.0.   You still logically have one left for something but
> > it doesn't seem to be needed and neither does a 'logical partition'.
> Hasn't the fact that Linux needs two primary partitions
> (one for itself, one for its boot loader) mentioned?

I thought that the fancy MBR went in the extra track space beyond that
official single sector that almost no one actually uses any more.

I haven't heard of that.    The RHEL and SUSE installs I did recently
did not look like they were using two primaries.    But I didn't
make a point of looking for that, so I am not sure.


> > FreeBSD might be able to mount the CENTOS slice stuff if you use
> > the right type of mount.  I don't know about mounting Lunix from FreeBSD.
> > But, you can't do it the other way (eg mount a FreeBSD type filesystem 
> > from Lunix - though maybe, I have never tried it)
> That would be the idea.
> > From FreeBSD you can mount other types of filesystems such as MS
> > by using the correct mount types.   For example, if you want to mount 
> > an MS FAT or FAT32, you use an 'msdosfs' type in your fstab file or 
> > mount_msdosfs(8) utility to do the mount.   Do some studying to see
> > if you can mount any Lunxi type filesystem from FreeBSD.
> Exactly. Or, if not, maybe it works vice-versa: mounting a
> FreeBSD partition (within a slice, a "primary partition")
> from within this Linux.
> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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