Ceri Davies wrote:
Or you could consider helping find a way to re-enable
the www to send-pr while preventing script kiddies from
abusing it.

Why not have a "pr-moderator" for each category (i386, kern, doc, etc), who approves each incoming PR. Basically this person would act as a front-line defense against spammers, but it would also allow them to assign PRs to developers as they are submitted, rather than letting them sit in the PR database for weeks/months before anyone picks them up.

I believe something like this is being considered.

Have you considered a 'confirmation' system that sends mail back to the originator for confirmation before actually submitting the PR?

This way, if someone does manage to spam the GNATS database, we'll have
their email address and can officially complain.  Most ISPs would have
such abuse be grounds for cancelling their account.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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