> One thing you should try is to remove the dump_snapshot files,
> because
> they are supposed to be unlinked when the dump starts anyway, so
> they
> shouldn't be sticking around.
> Also, look for file flags on the directories, or ACLs, etc.
> And consider the permissions you're running dump with.

Dump is running as root via cron / initiated by hand.
ACLs not used.
Have removed all existing dump_snapshot files, and
have also removed and recreated all .snap directories.

S'now working fine for all mountpoints, except /home...

mksnap_ffs: Cannot create /home/.snap/dump_snapshot: Input/output error
dump: Cannot create /home/.snap/dump_snapshot: No such file or directory

It doesn't appear to proceed "as normal" either... as you can see below,
it ends the previous dump, starts the /home dump, gets an I/O error,
then proceeds straight to the /usr dump. The /home dump never gets
performed. If I remove the -L option, everything goes thru fine, but
complains about lack of -L flag...

mksnap_ffs: Cannot create /home/.snap/dump_snapshot: Input/output error
dump: Cannot create /home/.snap/dump_snapshot: No such file or directory

  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed May  6 08:30:31 2009
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping snapshot of /dev/da0s1e (/usr) to standard output

Fsck finds no errors on /home... point to note... mksnap_ffs CAN create
/home/.snap/dump_snapshot as I'm sat looking at the file, however, once
it's created it it's as tho it can't access it. The file is there, it
wasn't before I ran the script. It's created it as root:operator, perms
400. I can open it in pico, add content to it, and save it happily. So
I'm baffled!


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