El día Wednesday, May 06, 2009 a las 01:26:50PM +0300, Manolis Kiagias escribió:

> Sure, You can even reduce Vista's partition from Control Panel -> 
> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management.  Right 
> click on the partition and select to shrink. The amount that it will 
> allow you to shrink will vary (probably depends on the fragmentation) 
> but I guess you will be able to get 50G on a 200G disk. Then install 
> FreeBSD as usual, but do not allow it to install any boot manager (it 
> will mess with Vista's BCD system). After installing, use EasyBCD (free 
> download) within Vista to add FreeBSD to the boot menu.

Hi Manolis,

I've fetched EasyBCD and installed it in the Vista.

Just to make sure: The 180 GB partition is visible as /dev/ad8s4 to
the CURRENT booted from USB and I will just label it as:

    # bsdlabel -w ad8s4 auto
    # bsdlabel -B ad8s4
edit the disk label and change partition "a" from "unused" to "4.2BSD"
as partition type:
    # setenv EDITOR /usr/bin/vi
    # bsdlabel -e ad8s4
create the filesystem on it and mount it to /mnt for the installation:
    # newfs -m 0 -o space /dev/ad8s4a
    # mount /dev/ad8s4a /mnt 
and install CURRENT into /mnt:

    # cd /usr/src
    # make installworld  DESTDIR=/mnt
    # make installkernel DESTDIR=/mnt KERNCONF=GENERIC INSTALL_NODEBUG=t
    # make distrib-dirs  DESTDIR=/mnt
    # make distribution  DESTDIR=/mnt


Any comments?


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
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