On Thu, 14 May 2009 08:54:43 +0000 (GMT), Saifi Khan <saifi.k...@twincling.org> 
> The directory /usr/ports/Mk/ has bsd.xorg.mk file but not
> bsd.prog.mk

Seems to be completely normal

        % cd /usr/ports/Mk
        % ls
        bsd.apache.mk        bsd.kde.mk           bsd.port.post.mk
        bsd.autotools.mk     bsd.kde4.mk          bsd.port.pre.mk
        bsd.cmake.mk         bsd.ldap.mk          bsd.port.subdir.mk
        bsd.commands.mk      bsd.linux-apps.mk    bsd.python.mk
        bsd.database.mk      bsd.linux-rpm.mk     bsd.qt.mk
        bsd.destdir.mk       bsd.local.mk         bsd.ruby.mk
        bsd.efl.mk           bsd.lua.mk           bsd.scons.mk
        bsd.emacs.mk         bsd.mail.mk          bsd.sdl.mk
        bsd.fpc.mk           bsd.ocaml.mk         bsd.sites.mk
        bsd.gcc.mk           bsd.octave.mk        bsd.tcl.mk
        bsd.gecko.mk         bsd.openssl.mk       bsd.wx.mk
        bsd.gnome.mk         bsd.perl.mk          bsd.xfce.mk
        bsd.gnustep.mk       bsd.php.mk           bsd.xorg.mk
        bsd.gstreamer.mk     bsd.port.mk
        bsd.java.mk          bsd.port.options.mk

> Is there a work around ?

Yes, there is some work around. :-) Maybe you can pull the file
needed from some other location on your system:

        % locate bsd.prog.mk

As far as I know, FreeBSD keeps its .mk files in /usr/share/mk/,
evem for tjhe ports system.

        % ls
        bsd.README           bsd.kmod.mk          bsd.port.post.mk
        bsd.compat.mk        bsd.lib.mk           bsd.port.pre.mk
        bsd.cpu.mk           bsd.libnames.mk      bsd.port.subdir.mk
        bsd.dep.mk           bsd.links.mk         bsd.prog.mk
        bsd.doc.mk           bsd.man.mk           bsd.snmpmod.mk
        bsd.endian.mk        bsd.nls.mk           bsd.subdir.mk
        bsd.files.mk         bsd.obj.mk           bsd.symver.mk
        bsd.incs.mk          bsd.own.mk           bsd.sys.mk
        bsd.info.mk          bsd.port.mk          sys.mk
        bsd.init.mk          bsd.port.options.mk  version_gen.awk

If they aren't there (maybe due to a defective install / upgrade procedure),
you can get them from the source tree.

        # cd /usr/src/share/mk
        # make install

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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