On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Doug Lee <d...@dlee.org> wrote:

> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 07:39:46AM -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
> > On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Doug Lee <d...@dlee.org> wrote:
> > > One of the weirder things I've seen in a while here...
> > >
> > > OS: FreeBSD 4.11 (yeah I know, old, but generally stable)
> > > CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz
> > > real memory ?= 536608768 (524032K bytes)
> > > Hds: IDE
> > >
> > Do you by chance have the kernel built with debugging enabled?
> Afraid not, nor much space in / for that.  I partitioned this system
> before /modules arrived, and I barely have enough space in / now
> (about 3 meg free).  That shouldn't affect this issue though; I do
> have separate /usr, /var, and /tmp.  I do mount /tmp and /var/run via
> MFS.
> > > Problem: ?Ever since a suspitious power outage (I say suspitious
> > > because we think a surge was also involved), this box has been
> > > exhibiting kernel panics about every 23 hours 55 minutes, give or
> > > take about 4 minutes either way. ?Obviously hardware is suspect,
> > > and hopefully in line for upgrade; but as FreeBSD has always proven
> > > so stable for me, I'm curious what on earth could cause this sort
> > > of regular panic?
> > >
> > > It's not time of day; if I reboot at 2:00 AM, 3:55 PM, or any other
> > > time, it's 23:55 or so later I get a panic, whenever that may be.
> > > I think this rules out cron jobs, external attacks, and load-based
> > > issues.
> > >
> > Perhaps a bad CMOS battery causing the system time to become
> > corrupted?  (I know it's a long shot...)
> Interesting idea, though I'd be surprised since I think the system
> time is set via ntpd, is it not?  `date' seems to recover nicely every
> time anyway.  A power surge could indeed play with CMOS though... but
> how would I test for this while the system is running?
> --
> Doug Lee                 d...@dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
> SSB BART Group           doug....@ssbbartgroup.com
> http://www.ssbbartgroup.com
> "Pray devoutly, but hammer stoutly."
> --Sir William G. Benham

Another problem may be as follows :

I am living an area nearby to industrial factories .

When they are started or stopped . they are causing important fluctuation in
my home current in such a way that even uninterruptible power supplies are
becoming not able to balance their effects .

Such an effect may be present in your area . In that hour regularly such a
system may start and cause a current fluctuation that it may boot your
computer(s) .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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