On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Robert Joosten <rob...@ml.erje.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a standard umask of 0077 on a box.
> I grabbed irssi from ports, but he doesn't connect to any irc server...
> running it as root will. Now I suspect that umask setting of mine.
> That leaves me with a silly question: is there any script running before I
> enter 'make install' ? I cannot find it in the dev. section of the
> handbook about creating ports.
> Regards,
> Robert

I've had the same problem. Not with irssi, but with other pieces of
software from the ports collection. I've just gotten into the habit of
running `umask 0022` before I use portmaster, then `umask 0077`
afterwords. I don't think there's any way to automatically run a
certain command/script before compiling or installing a port.
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