On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Pieter Donche <pieter.don...@ua.ac.be>wrote:

> I have to upgrade a few FreeBSD7 machines to FreeBSD7.2
> (this is new to me)
> One machine has very few third party ports installed (33), the other
> over 600 ... One of the steps is # portupgade -af, to rebuild all third
> party software..  this took 27 minutes on the 33 packages machine..

AFAIK, you don't really need that (portupgrade -a) for point upgrades.
Just update userland and kernel and go out for beer!

> So for 20 times more packages:  10 hours ???
> Is this normal? Also, one I had one screen  asking for options for libiconv
> 1.11_1
> where I had to tab to OK and press enter. What is the 600 packages system
> has 20 of more of such screens,

I think if you set BATCH=yes in your environment or in /etc/make.conf then
it should take care of that.

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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