On Mon, 25 May 2009 14:46:07 -0700
Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:

> guys,
> one thing i need to do before i submit my 600+ page tell-all "novel"
> is fihure out howto turn *this* into italics in Ooo-3.01.  i don't
> think any regular publisher world rish this so it;s a roll-you-own.
> what i submit in doc  [or odt] is what gets published.  i can turn
> *this* into /this/, but still can't figure out how to have openoffice
> turn all the words i want italicized into actual italics.
> anybody know offhand?

http://opendocumentfellowship.com/introduction/odf_vs_oxml_part_II has
an example of changing text styles in ODF. It looks like it should be a
search/replace to add the relevant tags.

Bruce Cran
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