On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Wojciech Puchar
<woj...@wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl> wrote:
>> No! Unless you think that fBSd is the only functional/reliable OS. If
> for my needs it's actually true. Only FreeBSD meets my requirements.

ok . . .

>> Wojciech, I, like many others who have responded on this thread,
>> appreciate much of the help that you provide on this list. You seem to
>> fail (for whatever reason) to understand that your opinionated
>> comments may need to be better thought out. If you were the "monitor"
>> of your utopian mailing list, what would you have done with your
> Of course - you already decided about "utopian". no argument for this.
>> response to the OP?
> as i said (another example you don't read what i write carefully) i would
> first define strict rules of posting.
> and then moderators should only execute them. If i would be moderator i
> could only do this, or stop being moderator.
> If rules would allow any discussion if moderator should or should not delete
> post, then rules are wrong and must be fixed.
> moderator can not have any power to resolve personal things through it.

I read what you posted "carefully." I'm asking you to play pretend . .
. if you were the moderator of the list you suggest, do you think that
the response you gave to the OP, as a non-developer, is acceptable.
That is, do you think that that those who have no responsibility as
far as what is done with $$ donated to the fBSD cause (i.e., you)
should respond to to those who wish to donate?

For a minute there, I was hoping that it was a language issue (BTW - I
think your English is quite good), but now I think it's an attention


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