Hello Nikos,

thank you very much Nikos
"You've repaired my internet" ,)

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 06:56:49PM +0300, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:
> Fabian Holler wrote:
> > I have an strange routing problem. I can't connect to some hosts in the
> > internet till I add an explicit route for this hosts with my default gw
> > as gateway.
> > There aren't any other routes that could match the destination IP for
> > "non-working hosts". So the connection should also without an explicit
> > route for this Hosts use the default gw.
> Besides netstat -rn, you can use "route get southparkstudios.com"
> to check a route for a destination.
> > Connections with nc to port 80 works
> > (the connections tests are made from the router, the iface MTUs are correct)
> You cannot test MTU settings using nc, since initial packets, that
> is, small packets, are always smaller than your MTU. You can test
> MTU using fetch or ftp or nc + "GET /some.big.file".

I only tried to say, that the connection problems couldn't be an MTU
problem. Because I tried to connect from the router(where the PPPOE
iface should have the correct MTU) and not from any

> > PPPoE:
> >         new -i ng0 PPPoE PPPoE
> >         set iface addrs
> Maybe you should delete the above line as

That was the problem:)
I thought ip+netmask from the iface are arbitrary because they will be
"overwritten" after I made an successfull connection.
But the the crappy netmask was responsible for my problems

> >         set link mtu 1492
> >         set link mru 1492
> this is also wrong, don't try to set MTU
> or MRU. There are negotiated during PPP.
removed this also :)



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