Steve Bertrand wrote:
> Chris St Denis wrote:
>> Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>>> possible reasons
>>> - your firewall rules are the cause - check it.
>>    Nope
>>    eureka# ipfw list
>>> - your network card produce problems (REALLY i have that case)
>>    I have had this kind of error on multiple servers over the years, so
>>    i don't think it's a hardware problem.
>>> - the network/LAN named tries to sent UDP packet is somehow flooded.
>>    Dns is probably fairly busy. It's the primary authorative dns for
>>    some busy domains. Is there a setting I can do to increase the
>>    limits of UDP packets to keep it from causing problems?
>>    The server is approaching it's 10 mbps interface speed during peak
>>    hours, I may need to upgrade it to 100mbps.
> The 10Mb ceiling (provided by your ifconfig output) could be a damper on
> this.
> What type of device is em1 attached to? Is it a switch or a hub? Is it
> possible to upgrade this? You should upgrade it to 100 (or 1000)
> anyways. Does this device show any collisions?
> Can you do the following for a few minutes (until at least the problem
> is triggered):
> # tcpdump -n -i em1 proto 17 port 53 -s -w /var/log/dns.pcap

...meh, that should be:

# tcpdump -n -i em1 proto 17 and port 53 -s -w /var/log/dns.pcap


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