system and swap, and the rest for a single large partition to be used for
backups.  As of right now, the single partition, /bkup, is empty.

When booting after an improper shutdown, the system starts the backgrounds
fsck as usual and on all the other partitions, seem to take the "normal"

turn off background fsck.

amount of time.  When it gets to the dirty /bkup however, fsck takes about
30 minutes - on an empty partition.  On top of that, running a df shows
that as much as 2GB of the partition is in use.  There's a .snap directory
off /bkup, but I can't ls it without the shell hanging.

Is this normal behavior?  Why is the fsck taking so long on an empty

because snapshotting takes so much. and even worse - it doesn't work right at least when i tried in FBSD 6.2.

Simply turn it off.

BTW your backups are mostly big files or mostly small.

make use of newfs options - MUCH less inodes, bigger blocks.
Not only fsck is faster, but it's faster in normal use and you get less wasted space.

reducing -m make sense too.
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