On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 15:00:48 +0100
Mike Clarke <jmc-freeb...@milibyte.co.uk> wrote:

>On Saturday 06 June 2009, Jerry wrote:
>> I did notice a driver on the nVidia page for FreeBSD x86, version #
>> 185.18.14, released June 5, 2009; however, the version is the ports
>> is: 180.44, which has actually been superseded four times since its
>> release by nVidia.
>> Would the x86 driver work in 64 bit FreeBSD or do I have to install
>> the x86 version instead?
>No, in the absence of a 64 bit driver from Nvidia you'd need to use
>the nv driver included in the xorg-drivers port. I had quite a
>struggle to get the nv driver to give me a 1280x1024 display.

OK, exactly how did you get it to work?

>I'm running the i386 version of FreeBSD on a Foxconn 6150M2MA 
>motherboard and couldn't get the GeForce 6150 to work with the 180.44 
>driver but it works fine with the x11/nvidia-driver-96 port which I
>use in preference to the nv driver.

That port version is several versions old. Perhaps the maintainer will
update to the latest version. According to the change-log, it corrects
quite a few problems.

>The lack of a 64bit Nvidia driver was one of the reasons I installed
>the i386 version of FreeBSD on this 64bit platform.

Unfortunately, I will probably have to do that also. Since it is not
going to be used for anything critical, it probably does not matter. It
would be nice if FreeBSD gets around to supporting 64 bit drivers like
this so that a user could take advantage of a 64 bit system.


Reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother Nature
cannot be fooled.

        R. P. Feynman

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