Manolis Kiagias wrote:
> Luke Dean wrote:
>> This is an answer to a question I started to post, but then decided to
>> research instead.  I know many readers of this list use the feature I'm
>> describing.
>> When Xorg was upgraded to version 7.4, the historic ability to shut
>> down X
>> with Control+Alt+Backspace became a non-default option.  The solution to
>> re-enabling this behavior was to add
>>     Option "DontZap" "off"
>> to the ServerLayout or ServerFlags section of xorg.conf as documented in
>> a note in the Handbook
>> A few days ago, x11/xkeyboard-config was upgraded to 1.6 and the solution
>> in the Handbook is no longer sufficient.
>> The new solution that gets Control+Alt+Backspace working for me
>> again is to add
>>     Option  "XKbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
>> to the "InputDevice" section of xorg.conf.
> Thanks for mentioning this. I have not yet upgraded to the new version
> of xkeyboard-config, but will try this and update the Handbook accordingly.

This gets even more complicated - the setting in xorg.conf will only be
effective when "AutoAddDevices" is false (or "AllowEmptyInput" is
false).  On systems that totally rely on HAL for device detection, the
setting has to be moved to an XML file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <deviceinfo version="0.2">
     <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.keyboard">
       <merge key="input.x11_driver"  type="string">kbd</merge>
       <merge key="input.xkb.Model"   type="string">pc105</merge>
       <merge key="input.xkb.Layout"  type="string">us</merge>
       <merge key="input.xkb.Rules"   type="string">xorg</merge>
       <merge key="input.xkb.Options"

which should be named i.e. keyboard.fdi and placed in

In light of the above, I feel we probably need to add a section on
"Configuring Additional Options Using HAL" to the Handbook.

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