
I have sent this three or four times already in the last 30 hours and 
never seen it show up in the list...  I am trying sending from a different 

Over the weekend, I upgraded my HW on my server, replacing all disks with 
new ones.  In order to do this, I mounted the new disks, used sysinstall 
to partition and label the new partitions, and then I used dump/restore to 
move all the old partitions files and data to the new partitions.  I then 
took the old drives off, made appropriate fstab changes as needed, and 
rebooted.  Then I noticed a problem.  My "root" partition was now da0s1e 
instead of da0s1a .  I can boot the machine if I manually enter the 
different partition letter into the bootloader, but the bootloader doesn't 
find its meta data settings and the machine won't boot unattended.

How do I fix this?  How do I change the root partition from using "e" to 
"a"?  I would think I could use disklabel to map the "a" partition to the 
same range of blocks as the "e" partition, remake the special dev files, 
and be done with it.  However, I am wanting some second opinions on this, 
and since I am not a disklabel guru, some guidance on how to use disklabel 
without screwing up my system would be appreciated.  I am studying 
disklabel man pages, but I don't want to screw up my running system and 
would appreciate a small how-to explanation from someone who IS a 
disklabel guru :-)


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