Leslie Jensen wrote:

> Michael Powell skrev:
>> Leslie Jensen wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> I tried that as well, same error unfortunately
>>> mount -t udf /dev/acd0 /cdrom
>>> mount_udf: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument
>>> So is this a new MS filesystem that no one but Vista users can read? I'm
>>> afraid we'll properly see more of these problems unless support is added
>>> to the mount command.
>> Try kldload udf.ko prior to the mount attempt. Check and see if it auto-
>> loaded udf_iconv.ko as it should. If that one isn't present in kldstat
>> load it too.
>> Don't really know if the particular UDF spec/format that FreeBSD supports
>> is the same as Vista. No Vista here to try.
> udf.ko was already loaded. I loaded udf_iconv.ko but it didn't get any
> better.
> /

A long time ago I tried a Nero add-on of some form or fashion (don't recall 
the exact name) for Windows that essentially allowed a CD disk to be mounted 
and used as a disk drive, which allowed for drag and drop in Explorer. It 
was buggy and crashed regularly so I removed it. I believe this 
functionality was rolled into the Nero software itself as a feature at some 
later date/version. This was also incorporated into Vista.

Bottom line is this is a non-standard UDF format and since the limited UDF 
support in FreeBSD doesn't support it you will need to have your friend 
remaster the disk as a CD9660. The limited support for UDF in FreeBSD 
predates this feature, and likely will never have it anytime soon. 


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