In the last episode (Jun 09), Polytropon said:
> On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:30:30 -0500, Martin McCormick 
> <> wrote:
> > Which signal is sent to a process when one types ^z or Control-z?  It
> > appears to be SIGSTOP and according to signal's man page, this is one
> > signal you can't catch.

^Z sends a SIGTSTP, which can be caught (or ignored, in your case).

    18    SIGTSTP      stop process         stop signal generated from
> According to 
>       % stty -g
>       ... status=14:stop=13:susp=1a:time=0:werase=17: ...
>      17    SIGSTOP      stop process         stop (cannot be caught or
>                                              ignored)
> And I think that 17 (decimal) is refered to as 1a (hexadecimal)
> in the previous stty command.

1a hex just refers to the control code itself (^Z), and doesn't indicate
which signal is sent.

        Dan Nelson
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