Andrew Gould wrote:
> 2009/6/16 Manolis Kiagias <>:
> List of main packages
> ==============
> This is a comprehensive list of packages included in the ISO:
> abiword, archivers (zip, unzip, rar, unrar) bash, bluefish, cdrtools,
> dvd+rw-tools, evince, firefox3, gimp, gnash, gnumeric, gnupg,
> inkscape, mercurial, pkg_rmleaves, portaudit, portupgrade,  rdesktop,
> rtorrent, ristretto, samba, scribus, sudo, thunderbird, tilda, wget,
> xfburn,  xfce4 + plugins,  xorg, zim.

> Would you consider adding unix2dos?

> Thanks

> Andrew

Sure. I am making a list of what people would like to see included, and
will add most of them in the next iteration. Small utilities like this
are not a problem.
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