Mel Flynn wrote:
On Wednesday 17 June 2009 03:43:58 Erik Norgaard wrote:

I am migrating my imap server to a jail, I got the jail up and
cyrus-imapd starts. I have copied configuration files from the current
server, cyrus.conf, imapd.conf and passwd and group files. saslauthd is
running, yet when I try to login I get the error:

IMAP Password:
               Login failed: generic failure at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/mach/Cyrus/IMAP/ line 120
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as cyrus
Looks like there's missing something there. Would should be at that spot of the error message? Maybe a little context of line 120 in would help, for us that use dovecot.

The lines giving that error is in fact in

    $cyradm->authenticate(-authz => $authz, -user => $auth,
                          -mechanism => $mech, -password => $pw,
                          -tlskey => $tlskey, -notls => $notls)
      or die "cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with $mech as $auth\n";

$mech is not defined, hence the missing word. I have tried running the script specifying a mechanism giving the same error, though some currious difference:

jail# cyradm --user cyrus --auth plain
IMAP Password:
Login failed: authentication failure at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/mach/Cyrus/IMAP/ line 120
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with plain as cyrus
jail# cyradm --user cyrus --auth login
IMAP Password:
Login failed: authentication failure at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/mach/Cyrus/IMAP/ line 120
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with login as cyrus

Looking again on the logs:

Jun 17 23:39:17 jail imap[8412]: badlogin: [] plaintext SASL(-13): user not found: checkpass failed

The user cyrus exists, I can login and get shell access, but there may be something about the realm, that causes the user not to be found? But:

jail# /usr/local/sbin/testsaslauthd -u cyrus -p secret
0: OK "Success."
jail# /usr/local/sbin/testsaslauthd -u cyrus -r -p secret
0: OK "Success."

Thanks, Erik
Erik Nørgaard
Ph: +34.666334818/+34.915211157        
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