In response to Martin McCormick <>:

> I have been asked to come up with an automated way of producing
> web pages. Specifically, this is for mrtg but it really doesn't
> matter. The idea is that there are many pages which are
> identical except for different names and a couple of other items
> such as whether the page represents a system that is actively
> being polled or was being polled at one time but is now here for
> archival purposes, that sort of thing.
>       This needs to be some sort of script application so we
> can feed it automatically and not have to manually build each
> page.
>       Is there any open-source platform which makes this
> especially quick and easy? Of course, as one who likes to script
> repetitive tasks, I can attest to the fact that that first
> script is murder at times but the time you spent building it is
> payed back the next time when it runs automatically at 3 A.M.
> and only took 15 seconds to run. That's why I love Unix.
>       So, are there php-based or other packages that help
> automate this process?

routers2 may fit your need:

Bill Moran
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