On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 12:33:24 -0400, Glen Barber <glen.j.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for that little tidbit in return -- I've been trying to
> figure how prompt settings. :)

See those:

        set promptchars = "%#"
        set prompt = "%...@%m:%~%# "

Or even:

        set prompt = "[%T] %...@%m:%~%# "
        set prompt = "[%T] *%h =%? :%m/%l @%n %~%B%#%b "
        set prompt = "*%h=%? [%T] %...@%m/%l:%~%B%#%b "

There's lots of customization that you can do with csh's prompt
variable; "man csh" is really very interesting.

Ah yes, and don't forget to

        set autolist

which is very handy, by the way.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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