On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 05:19:00AM -0800, sergey dyshel wrote:
> Hi
> Recently I installed xemacs-devel-2.4.8 from binary
> package. When I tried to run it I got this error
> message:
> /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libc.so.5"
> not found

libc.so.5 is specific to FreeBSD-5.x --- this error suggests you've
downloaded a binary package for 5.0 onto a 4.x system.
> So I copied the only found libc.so.4 to libc.so.5 and
> ran xemacs again. This time it started properly but
> during first 15 minutes I discovered a LOT of
> problems. Some of them are here:

This is never going to work properly: libc.so.5 is different in some
significant ways from libc.so.4.  It's quite surprising that xemacs
would start at all.

What you need to do is find an xemacs-devel package compiled
against FreeBSD 4.x:


is a good place to look, as are the equivalent locations on the many
regional mirrors.  It appears that there is not a suitable precompiled
package for xemacs-devel available at the moment.  One should appear
in the relatively near future as part of the preparations for

The other alternative is to cvsup yourself an up to date coppy of the
ports tree and compile xemacs-devel yourself.  Which is a whole lot
less hassle than you might think --- the ports system makes all that
stuff pretty much automatic.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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