you guys aren't going to believe what i just found on the web for
        the ASUS Eee-901 [or is it the "900"].  it was for the 9- and
        10-inch screens.  i was using konq which just segv'd so i am
        taking a break and thought i'd share this.

        last night, i could barely believe the ten-inch with a 40GB SSD.
        these mini-notebooks take two memory chips. they just plug in.
        i was googling around and found they have 32's and even 128's.
        so you can get 64 or up to 256Gigs of solid state disk ...
        not in a year or two (or five or six), but now.

        i'll double and triple check to make sure this isn't a sham, but
        they had a thing on you-tube...  Oh, and next time i see the
        speech therapist, i'll lug my hugmongous thinkpad and demo what
        i've done with my scripts and flite....  

        8 kilobux for a Doze speech dev my butt. with berkeley unix and
        open source tools, you can have it for a few hundred bux.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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