On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 03:38:00 +0000, af300...@gmail.com wrote:
> for LaTeX. I was using a Linux system at work and would like to install it  
> on my FreeBSD system at home since I've been looking for something like  
> this for exchanging math questions I have with a friend who's helping me  
> understand mathematics as I pursue my degree. LaTeX is just what I've been  
> looking for. However, when I went to find the port by doing "make search  
> name=latex" I was returned so many hits, frankly, I'm overwhelmed. What do  
> I need to install from ports to get the LaTeX "language" on my system, show  
> the markup using the native DVI and more importantly, write pdf file from  
> the markup?

The easiest way is to install teTeX via package.

        # pkg_add -r teTeX

You can then use "latex" and "pdflatex" commands from your tex source

> The tutorial I was going off of was using something called  
> pdftex I think, but not sure.

tex <-> latex == pdftex <-> pdflatex. :-)

> There's just so much there. Obviously, LaTeX is much more than I thought it  
> was. I'm looking forward to understanding it more.

LaTeX is a professional typesetting system which can be (ab)used
to do everything imaginable. :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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