On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 20:54:26 Ian wrote:
> Hi, I've been meaning to sort this out since the release of 7.1p5, but only
> just got around to it - I have an installation of 7.1 that runs bind and
> has been working fine up until I tried to update the system to 7.1p5 (using
> freebsd-update). As soon as I apply the update & reboot, named loads but
> the startup script hangs.
> If I press Ctrl+C, the system continues to boot. If I then run
> /etc/rc.d/named start, named starts, but again the script hangs. I can do
> DNS lookups while named is running, so it seems to be functioning ok.
> I tried adding various echo statements to /etc/rc.d/named and found that
> the script seems to run right through. The hang occurs where /etc/rc.subr
> echoes out "Starting named" after the named script has run and that's where
> things seem to stop! Nothing else that is started by the rc.d scripts
> hangs, so I'm guessing  /etc/rc.subr is ok.
> I did a diff of /etc/rc.d/named before & after the upgrade from p4 to p5
> (or p6 which has the same issue) and there are no changes to the file.
> Nothing seems to be logged anywhere that shows a problem, so I really have
> no idea what to check next.
> The only named entry in rc.conf is named_enable="YES". Doing a
> freebsd-update rollback restores normal operation and given that bind
> actually loads 7 seems to work apart fromthe hanging script, I suspect
> there's nothing wrong with my bind configuration.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers,
> --
> Ian
> gpg key: http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~imoore/no-spam.asc

I've never really solved this problem - even running with the default 
named.conf as a simple caching server didn't change anything.
Instead, I rolled back to 7.1p4 & then upgraded to 7.2(p2) and bind works just 

gpg key: http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~imoore/no-spam.asc

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