Richard Mahlerwein wrote:

> If I recall correctly from ESX (well, VI) training*, there may be a minor 
> scheduling issue affecting things here.  If you set up the VM with 4 
> processors, ESX schedules time on the CPU only when there's 4 things to 
> execute (well, there's another time period it also uses, so even a single 
> thread will get run eventually, but anyway...).  The physical instance will 
> run one thread immediately even if there's nothing else waiting, whereas the 
> VM will NOT execute a single thread necessarily immediately.  I would retry 
> using perhaps -j8 or even -j12 to make sure the 4 CPUs see plenty of work to 
> do and see if the numbers don't slide closer to one another.  
> For what it's worth, if there were a raw LUN available and made available to 
> the VM, the disk performance of that LUN should very nearly match native 
> performance, because it IS native performance.  VMWare (if I understood right 
> in the first place and remember correctly as well, I supposed I should * this 
> as well. :) ) doesn't add anything to slow that down.  Plugging in a USB 
> drive to the Host and making it available to the guest would also be at 
> native USB/drive speeds, assuming you can do that (I've never tried to use 
> USB drives on our blade center!).

I've isolated the problem to the SATA RAID system (or subsystem).

Booting from CD/USB key and running a wide array of bench tests, I can
not read from the RAID setup faster than 10MBps.

Regardless of anything else, this is my priority.

RAID 0 is the only config where I can read faster than ~7MBps. The board
does not have any standard IDE interfaces, and I don't have any PCIe-IDE
cards that aren't in use, so I can't really bypass the HP RAID card.

I will however slap a 200GB USB drive against the box, and see if I can
get faster performance from USB than I can the native SATA setup.

FWIW, I do have the battery backed cache installed...


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