Spot on.. My server is ipv6 ready.. (We are the hosting department of the
ISP if we should examine all ticket we get with.. Its the networks fault we
wouldn't do anything else :D )

And fetch -4 is working fine.
So it must be that it tries ipv6 first.

Well thank you , I'm just gonna add the ipv6 interface after I've installed

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Steve Bertrand <> wrote:

> Kalle Møller wrote:
> > Well any other port works flawless. It's only the vim ports (other =
> screen
> > sudo wget bash apache22 mysql-server subversion etc)
> >
> > And the ISP is not the problem - I works for them in the network
> department
> > (its on a 10 G link :D )
> >
> > I just made a make distclean and make again
> >
> > => vim-7.2.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist in /tmp/ports/distfiles/vim.
> > => Attempting to fetch from
> > fetch: transfer timed out
> > => Attempting to fetch from
> > vim-7.2.tar.bz2                               100% of 7034 kB  254 kBps
> > 00m00s
> >
> > This takes 2-3 min And the 24-7 site only have to around 190....  the
> last
> > 40 needs to wait for both primary and 24-7 to timeout before the 3rd site
> > "delivers"
> I don't know which network department you work in at your ISP, but in
> this ISP's "network department", we *never* disclaim the possibility of
> having an issue until the problem has been resolved, and we know
> *exactly* _what_ it was, and _where_ it was (yes, I'm a little sensitive
> to blind claims that "it's not our fault" ;)
> > Looked a little deeper... It seems like I can
> >
> > wget
> >
> > But i cannont
> >
> > fetch
> >
> > wget goes smoothly but fetch times out
> Both work here:
> # fetch -4
> 7.2.002                                       100% of 1462  B 9327 kBps
> # wget -4
> [...snip...]
> 2009-07-24 21:52:01 (113 MB/s) - `' saved [1462/1462]
> However, it seems as though is IPv6 enabled, but both fetch
> and wget time-out when trying to reach it over IPv6. eg:
> # wget -6
> --2009-07-24 22:02:13--
> Resolving 2001:610:1:80aa:192:87:102:42,
> 2001:610:1:80aa:192:87:102:43
> Connecting to|2001:610:1:80aa:192:87:102:42|:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
> ^C
> Are you IPv6 ready? If not, do you have v6 enabled in some fashion that
> could be interfering with proper Internet communication?
> Steve


Med Venlig Hilsen

Kalle R. Møller
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