On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 09:26:56PM -0400, B. Cook wrote:

> [/etc/defaults]# 2 > grep dumpdev *
> rc.conf:dumpdev="AUTO"         # Device to crashdump to (device name, AUTO, 
> or NO).
> rc.conf:savecore_flags="" # Used if dumpdev is enabled above, and present.

Those are the defaults. Do you have anything in /etc/rc.conf? NB: don't edit
> I will set it to NO and try rebooting it.
> Would AUTO cause it to write to the same fs that has the crash?

It is supposed to use a swap partition.

> What does this mean? Other than the obvious.. is there something useful
> that I could glean from vmcore.15 ?

Run the core files through kgdb(1), and see where the crash ocurred. Does it
always occur in the same spot?

> [/var/crash]# 22 > cat info.15
> Dump header from device /dev/mirror/gm0s1b
>   Architecture: i386
>   Architecture Version: 2
>   Dump Length: 177184768B (168 MB)
>   Blocksize: 512
>   Dumptime: Thu Aug 13 09:14:44 2009
>   Hostname: gameface
>   Magic: FreeBSD Kernel Dump
>   Version String: FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE #0: Wed May 20 16:56:48 EDT 2009
>     r...@gameface:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERICplus
>   Panic String: ufs_dirbad: /var: bad dir ino 3485849 at offset 3584:
> mangled entry
>   Dump Parity: 2197692492
>   Bounds: 15
>   Dump Status: good

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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