On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:12 PM, PJ<af.gour...@videotron.ca> wrote:
> Does anybody have an idea of what the oder of files and dependencies is
> to install programs without all sorts of nonsensical errors?
> I usually have no problem installing FreeBsd whatever with apache22,
> cups, samba, php, mysql xorg etc. etc. I say usually because from time
> to time there do crop up some conflicts and they can usually be resolved
> by just looking at the error messages when the install is interrupted...
> usually one reinstalls the guilty port and voila! all things are in an
> ordered universe!
> But how do you avoid those error messages... I installed a pretty
> minimal 7.2 about a week ago and since then have been putzing about with
> a more serious installation of 7.2 on a larger disk to include xorg and
> a number of pretty cumbersome applications.
> I usually start with samba as that permits me to wander about on my lan
> and download and play around with other stuff while I am waiting for
> those substantial installs like jdk and xorg et al.
> So now, I have installed samba... works fine... thereafter I have been
> installing jdk16 and some other proggies like openldap and php5 and
> mysql ... actually, I was doing those because apache22 wouldn't
> compile... it grinds out a slew of errors that all seem to be related to
> ldap..."util_ldap.c:2135 (or other numbers) and all have the notation
> "undeclared (first use in this function) and finally the ghost gives up
> with Error code 1.
> Exactly the same installation with the same configuration on the smaller
> installation went without a hitch... (and on the same computer,
> different disk) The versions are the latest available and on 7.2...
> I have tried uninstalling php5, openldap, and removing the work
> directory for apache22, but the result is always the same... this is absurd.
> Can anybody make any sense of this... I don't like the idea of starting
> all over again... done that, been there, and still looking for some
> rationality to this world.
> Thanks for any ideas...

Again, not to be rude (to you or fBSD) . . . but why stick with
something that is giving you soooooo much trouble?
There are a bunch of open source distros out there. I can appreciate
that you do not want to f'around with another distro for another week
. . . but . . .

>From other posts, it sounded like you have recovered the essential
files. Rationality may dictate you moving on.

The only thing I can suggest that may help those who know better, is
to post the demsg's of the two machines (the one that works and the
pain in the ass), given that they are different machines. What
happened to the "faulty hardware" idea?

I dunno . . . good luck!

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