On Saturday 08 March 2003 06:33, Miroslaw J. Wiechowski wrote:
> Hi,
> After several days of fighting the @!*# Intel i810 chip,
> I wonder why I had this really BAD LUCK. There are hundreds
> of various graphic cards but I got the only one that does
> not work.
> The system installation program does not give me any
> working configuration. The best I could get was some
> ugly display with standard VGA, configured by XFree86 -configure.
> Then, after a lot of incredibly boring tinkering I got
> some kind of 800x600 display, too high and too much to
> the left. The xvidtune was working very bad. Did not
> react to mouse clicking for the most of the time and
> it was impossible to do anything meaningfull.
> Did anyone succeed with this Intel i810e chip and 1024x768
> resolution at all?
> Regards
> mjw

I don't think the system installation program gives *anyone* a working 
configuration.  At least, I've always had to tweak the XF86Config file 
myself.  That being said, the i810 works fine, once it is set up 

To get you started, here's the relevant section from my XF86Config file:

Section "Device"
        # from config.new:
        ### Available Driver options are:-
        ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
        ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
        ### [arg]: arg optional
        #Option     "NoAccel"                   # [<bool>]
        #Option     "SWcursor"                  # [<bool>]
        #Option     "ColorKey"                  # <i>
        #Option     "CacheLines"                # <i>
        #Option     "Dac6Bit"                   # [<bool>]
        #Option     "DRI"                       # [<bool>]
        #Option     "NoDDC"                     # [<bool>]
        #Option     "XvMCSurfaces"              # <i>
        ####-------end insertion ----------------------------
        Identifier  "Card0"
        Driver      "i810"
        VendorName  "Intel"
        BoardName   "i810"
        BusID       "PCI:0:1:0"
#       Option  "NoDDC" "True"
#       Option  "NoInt10" "True"
        VideoRam        8192


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