On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:13:48PM -0700, George Davidovich wrote:
> > If the drive is that bad, it is doubtfull if dd or ddrescue will be
> > able to get a good copy.
> Probably true.  I hesitate to suggest this, but sticking the drive in a
> freezer (preferrably in a ziplock bag) for a few hours or overnight
> might help.  Stories from people claiming "I swear it works!" go back
> years.  


> To the exent it does work, it might give Kelly enough time to attempt
> recovery.  If more time is required, he can try and find a creative
> workaround for the 5 meter max length for USB cables.  Also,
> experimenting with dry ice or acetone baths might prove to be
> interesting, or at least educational. ;-)

Acetone and electronics are _not_ a good mix! Acetone is extremely
flammable. It evaporates easily and can form explosive mixtures in air over a
wide range of concentrations. Not to mention that it would degrade/destroy
printed circuit boards; acetone breaks down the resin that binds the glass
fibers in the laminates! Not as fast as n-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, bus fast

I remember this special non-condictive 3M fluid that can be used to cool
electronics. A group of hackers dunked a complete PC minus the case and power
supply in this stuff. The fluid itself was cooled with liquid nitrogen. They
everclocked it something wicked. Not very practical though. :-)

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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