Gary Gatten wrote:
I had a laptop years ago that started to die, but seemed to work OK when
first removed from a cold car.  After an hour or so it would die.  I
eventually put it in the freezer long enough to get what I needed off
the drive, so in some cases I would agree that cold is good!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Polytropon
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:13 PM
To: George Davidovich
Subject: Re: hard disk failure - now what?

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:13:48 -0700, George Davidovich
<> wrote:
Probably true.  I hesitate to suggest this, but sticking the drive in
freezer (preferrably in a ziplock bag) for a few hours or overnight
might help.  Stories from people claiming "I swear it works!" go back

I heared a similar suggestion from a guy who tried to get the
protection code out of a car radio. :-)

To the exent it does work, it might give Kelly enough time to attempt
recovery.  If more time is required, he can try and find a creative
workaround for the 5 meter max length for USB cables.

5 meters? I always thought USB is specified for 2 meters only.
I've never seen a 5 meters long USB cable, by the way.


Off Topic but very funny as well as interesting.

I have a usb cable that I bought it on line and have used it for a small video camera that is 15 meters long and it works OK.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
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