Mel Flynn <> wrote:

However, thinking about this inquiry and JPEG in the same sentence
has given me an idea that might help the OP:  JPEG is a "lossy"
compression, with the degree of loss related to the chosen image
quality, so two "similar" images might become identical -- or at
least more similar -- if compressed to a sufficiently low quality
using the JPEG algorithm.

This seems to be an excellent idea. A similar approach can (successfully) be used to let a computer recognize songs through a micrOphone: the incoming signal is transformmed to MP3 at a rather low quality, which provides a sort of fingerprint of the input. The quality factors shall be adujsted adequately for this application: there is a tradeoff between stability (noise insensitivity) and separation to find.

The case of images is much more complicated if one wishes to recognize the same image at two different scales.
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