Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Steve Bertrand wrote:

>> My minimum requirements:
>> - IPv6 for all protocols
>> - SPF
>> - IMAP|POP3 must support SSL
>> - submit on 587
>> - MySQL backend for un/pw, vpopmail preferred, but not mandatory
>> - Maildir storage preferred
>> - easy (ie: well documented) integration with SA/clam
>> - integration with maildrop .mailfiter preferred

> For an MTA: postfix does everything you want, it's not too shabby speed
> wise
> and the config files are reasonably comprehensible.
> For an IMAP/POP3 server: dovecot has the required functionality and
> unless you're dealing with thousands of user accounts it's probably a
> better alternative
> for you than the nuclear option of cyrus-imapd.

Ok, I'm back up and rolling again.

Thanks Matthew, and the others who replied off-list for all of the feedback.

One thing that I forgot to ask in my original post was that of clustering.

In our production network, we have a cluster of perimeter MX's, and a
similar setup for our submission boxes (it's been a couple of years
since we've strictly enforced AUTH for all clients).

What I don't have, and have always wondered about, is live redundancy
for the IMAP/POP services.

I know that this would be a challenge to some degree considering the
high volume of data changes.

Perhaps a carp(4) setup between a couple of MDA's, where when the
primary is up, a constant rsync pushes the data to the backup. Or
perhaps a combination of rsync for manual changes, and a method to have
the primary write the emails to a local disk, and a network disk

If anyone has a setup that has redundancy for their IMAP/POP services,
and a method to keep the changing data relatively up-to-date, I'd love
to hear about it.



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