Bryant Eadon wrote:
Have you tried mounting it as a vnode ? and mounting it R/W ?

mdconfig -a -t vnode -f file.img
mount -t <type> /dev/md0 /mnt/rw_dvd

Where <type> may be cd9660 or some other format of the image.

I haven't seen reported success with this method (checked with various google searches), but perhaps there's something along these lines *will* work.

Pardon my political incorrectness...

If you can't get it to work under FreeBSD, I'm pretty sure that it works under Linux:

  mount -t iso9660 -o loop file.img /mnt

(I'm not sure that "iso9660" is the right filesystem type, but "man mount" will tell you.)

Once mounted that way you can use it like any other filesystem.

I actually did this once, but it was years ago.

Michael David Crawford - We Don't Assume You Are Stupid.

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