On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 02:40:24PM +0100, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> > > The window does appear (just using simple gnuplot> plot sin(x), and
> > > the terminal is set to 'wxt', but nothing ever apears in the window.
> > 
> > The wxt terminal is only available when gnuplot is compiled with the 
> > wxWidgets
> > toolkit. Try using the plain x11 terminal, and see if that works better?
> yes, that works fine! Thank you!
> So the problem must be with wxgtk2-2.8.10_1 and wxgtk2-common-2.8.10_1 ?

Looks that way. Since gnuplot works very well with plain X11, I've never
bothered building it with wxWidgets. Rebuild gnuplot without wxWidgets to
circumvent the problem.

> How can I kill the offending gnuplot process?

You can try 'kill -9'. If the process is stuck in the 'D' state after you've
tried that, you'll have to reboot. :-)

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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