I found a script in /tmp directory which could have been uploaded using php or 
How would they execute the code in /tmp directory? I couldn't figure it out.


----- Original Message ----
From: Leandro Quibem Magnabosco <leandro.magnabo...@fcdl-sc.org.br>
To: Aflatoon Aflatooni <aaflato...@yahoo.com>
Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:51:05 AM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 6.3 installation hacked

Aflatoon Aflatooni escreveu:
> My server installation of FreeBSD 6.3 is hacked and I am trying to find out 
> how they managed to get into my Apache 2.0.61. 
> This is what I see in my http error log:
> [Mon Sep 21 02:00:01 2009] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
> [Mon Sep 21 02:00:14 2009] [notice] Apache/2.0.61 (FreeBSD) PHP/5.2.5 
> mod_jk/1.2.25 configured -- resuming normal operations
> wget: not found
> Can't open perl script "/tmp/shit.pl": No such file or directory
> wget: not found
> Can't open perl script "zuo.txt": No such file or directory
> curl: not found
> Can't open perl script "zuo.txt": No such file or directory
> lwp-download: not found
> Can't open perl script "zuo.txt": No such file or directory
> lynx: not found
> Can't open perl script "zuo.txt": No such file or directory
> zuo.txt                                                11 kB  56 kBps
> ...

It does not look they entered using any apache bug.
Probably you had a world writable directory and they managed to access it by 
ftp (or any other way) and sent a file containing commands to it.
Once it is there, they've 'called' the file using apache to execute whatever 
was in there (probably binding a shell to some port) in order to get access to 
the box.

Leandro Quibem Magnabosco.

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