On 9/25/09, Jos Chrispijn <ker...@webrz.net> wrote:
> [named]
> Lately I get messages like thin in my all.log:
> named[605]: too many timeouts resolving '*.*.*.*.zen.spamhaus.org/A' (in
> 'zen.spamhaus.ORG'?): disabling EDNS
> (*) is random ip address
> Now before I add the following lines in /etc/named.conf or
> /var/named/chroot/etc/
> named.conf:
> logging {
> category lame-servers {null; };
> category edns-disabled { null; };
> };
> I would like to know what I could do to prevent generation of that line?
> Thanks,
> Jos Chrispijn

That's likely a email DNSBL (DNS Blacklist).  zen.spamhaus.org is
known for DNSBL.

Disable it in your mailserver...  but then you get nasties.

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