On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Neeraj Arora wrote:

> Hi Geeks, Girls and Guys,
> ...:^)
> I am having a little problem setting up a debian client to derive login data from a 
> freebsd nis server. There is no problem when the freebsd nis server interacts with 
> freebsd clients, but there is a problem when it interacts with a debian gnu/linux 
> client.
> The authentication works when I force a password in the /etc/passwd file on the 
> debian gnu/linux system. E.g.:
> +login_whatever:$1$blahblahblah:::::/bin/bash
> +::::::/bin/bash
> But, it does not work when the password has to be sourced from the nis server (viz. 
> a freebsd machine). I confirmed that both are communicating/operating on nis v2. And 
> moreover, the password on the freebsd server are stored in md5 too.
> So, I dont seem to understand what the problem may be.
> Any help will be great...:)
> Regards,
> Neeraj
> N.B.: I am a freebsd devotee and thus posting this to the
> freebsd-questions mailing list. I might try debian mailing lists too,
> but first here...:)

Look into /var/yp/Makefile for something looking like this:

# If you want to use a FreeBSD NIS server to serve non-FreeBSD clients
# (i.e. clients who expect the password field in the passwd maps to be
# valid) then uncomment this line. This will cause $YPDIR/passwd to
# be generated with valid password fields. This is insecure: FreeBSD
# normally only serves the master.passwd maps (which have real encrypted
# passwords in them) to the superuser on other FreeBSD machines, but
# non-FreeBSD clients (e.g. SunOS, Solaris (without NIS+), IRIX, HP-UX,
# etc...) will only work properly in 'unsecure' mode.

You probably have to set UNSECURE equal to True and to rebuild the maps.


Konrad Heuer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  ____            ___  _______
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Am Fassberg                   / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
37077 Goettingen             /_/ /_/  \__/\__/____/___/____/

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