On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 04:43:49PM +0100, dick hoogendijk wrote:
> Using dump to make a full level 0 backup of my system to another
> harddisk in case of a crash. If needed I want to restore the dumps and
> have a fully working system back.
> Question: do I have to make the dumps *single* mode or can I just do it
> from a running system?

No, you can dump while in multiuser mode, but you have to beware of
corruption in the dump caused by changes to the file system or even to
individual files while dump is running.  So long as the filesystem is
pretty much quiescent, you'll be OK.
> If single, do I have to follow the next steps: ??
> # boot -s
> # fsck -p
> # mount -u /
> # mount -a
> # swapon -a
> # adjkerntz -i

Hmmm... You don't need 'mount -u /' if you then immediately do 'mount
-a' as 'mount -a' will remount the root filesystem with the correct
options anyhow.  I'd put 'swapon -a' before 'mount -a', especially if
you've got mfs based filesystems.  'adjkerntz' should only be needed
on dual boot machines where the alternate OS needs the system clock to
be set to the wallclock time.  If your machine just runs FreeBSD, then
set the system clock to UTC and relax.

> If not, what are IS the right procedure?

    boot -s
    fsck -p
    swapon -a
    mount -a
    adjkerntz -i



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