On Sun, 2009-11-01 at 14:12 -0600, Peter Steele wrote:
> I want to call the mount() function to perform the same action as running the 
> following mount command from the command line:
>                 mount -t ufs -o noatime /dev/adXXX /mnt
> The man page lists the signature of mount() as
>                 int mount(const char *type, const char *dir, int flags, void 
> *data);
> The problem is that the last parameter, data, apparently has to be in a 
> special structure based on the file system type and it does not describe what 
> this structure is for ufs. It says "The format for these argument structures 
> is described in the manual page for each file system", then it follows this 
> up saying that there is no man page for ufs?
> I did some searches but could not find a single example of what needs to be 
> plugged into this parameter. Can anyone fill in the missing info?

See /usr/src/sbin/mount/mount_ufs.c from RELENG_6.  Essentially, this
argument should be a ufs_args struct as defined
in /usr/include/ufs/ufs/ufsmount.h.


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